Bridge Ratings said traditional media companies will continue to struggle to maintain their audiences in the coming year.
The research company president, Dave Van Dyke, issued a list of predictions. Also among them: TVs, computers and other digital devices will begin to morph; technology will make it easier to find, access and manage content; and digital video will drive the growth of online advertising.
“Traditional radio should heed this development,” Bridge wrote of the latter prediction. “Just because radio has specialized in audio content for 100 years, doesn’t mean it can’t and shouldn’t develop video to complement their brands. And with that will come a new stream of revenue. CPMs are much more lucrative with video on the net.”
Also, he believes, advertising in digital venues will become more contextual; small-screen devices will have limited appeal as a media platform; and marketers will make some mistakes as they move into new digital spaces.
Talk of a merger of the satellite radio services will continue to heat up, Van Dyke thinks; and digital music sales will continue to gain momentum. Finally, “the amount of money spent on Internet advertising will outstrip that of traditional radio by this time next year.”
The company’s predictions in full are here.