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Emmy Engineering Plaque for Lawo

Prize awarded for audio networking and routing system

From left to right: Lawo Senior Product Manager Felix Krueckels, President Lawo North-America Herbert Lemcke, Lawo CEO Philipp Lawo , Lawo Business Development Manager Jeffrey Stroessner, Lawo Sales Manager North-America Michael Mueller, Lawo VP Business Development and Marketing Don Bird.

Germany-based consoles and digital broadcast network developer Lawo received an Emmy Engineering Plaque at the 65th Primetime Emmy Engineering Awards, Oct. 23.

A release from the Emmy’s attributes the award to Lawo “pioneering” the use of “telecommunication protocols such as ATM/SDH and now Ravenna real-time audio-over-IP technology, making it possible to distribute broadband audio in real time over WAN networks thousands of miles apart, with transfers at the speed of light and minimum latency at each end.”

The release cites the Lawo Nova73 HD router as a particularly central piece of equipment to many broadcasters. “The Lawo Nova 73HD routing matrix, designed as a central matrix router for audio and data with its modular construction and scalable routing capacity of up to 8,192 x 8,192 cross points in a single frame, is used by broadcast engineers worldwide.”

The Emmys explain the relevance of the Engineering Plaque: “The Engineering Plaque honors achievements that exhibit a high level of engineering and are important to the progress of the industry. The Engineering Plaque is not a consolation prize, but a positive recognition of engineering achievements on a different level of technology and industry importance than the Emmy statuette.”

Lawo CEO Philipp Lawo said, “I wish to thank all our partners and customers. They have always supported us and pushed us to develop products that better suit their needs and support their rapidly evolving workflow requirements. To me this cooperation is the key to Lawo’s success.”

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