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Interep Profiles AOR Rock Radio

Interep Profiles AOR Rock Radio

The AOR format continues to change with the sound of current rock music, Interep has found in its latest study.
“It is a constantly evolving format that continues to attract new listeners, while holding on to fans who appreciate the guitar-driven sound of rock based music.”
Among the findings: AOR continues to attract solid, and almost equal, representation in each 18-44 age segment, with 84% of listeners in the 18-44 bracket, 27% in 18-24, 30% in 25-34 and 27% in 35-44.
Sixty-three percent of AOR listeners are male; 35 percent attended college or have a college degree. AOR listeners are “more likely to be a heavy user of radio than any other medium.” Interep is an ad sales and marketing company. Info:

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