A free download of Logic Platinum 6.1 for Mac OS X and Mac OS 9 is available at www.emagic.de for current owners of Version 6.
The upgrade permits the use of Digidesign TDM systems with Logic Platinum 6 under Mac OS X. Version 6.1 provides functionality to Emagic’s optional ESB TDM and PTHD Extensions in Mac OS X. This option provides TDM users with the ability to use Emagic software instruments ES1, ES2, EVOC20, EVP88, EVD6, EVB3 and EXS24.
Other improvements for both Mac OS 9 and X include the import of Akai S1000 and S3000 samples for the EXS24 mk II.
Logic Platinum 5 users who want to check out version 6.1 may download 6.1 and use it for 28 days without restrictions; for information on obtaining the upgrade without time limits contact a local distributor. A list of distributors is available at www.emagic.de; click on “company” and then “distributors.”
Logic Platinum Upgrade Available Online
Logic Platinum Upgrade Available Online