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Logitek Reports System Sales

JetStreams, ROCs, Remoras head out the door

From the Who’s Buying What page: Logitek Electronic Systems reported orders for its Networked Console Systems and components.

Backyard Broadcasting expanded a Logitek system in Elmira, N.Y., adding a JetStream and ROC-12. Also expanding were Colorado Public Radio, which added vMix to a system of four AE-32 engines and six Remora consoles; KACU(FM) in Abilene Texas, adding a pair of Pilot-12 consoles to a JetStream system; and KCUK(FM) in Chevak, Alaska, adding two ROC-12s to its AE-32 setup.

Logitek also reported recent orders from WSJM(AM/FM) in Benton Harbor, Mich. (JetStream); Journal Broadcast Group in Nebraska (JetStream); Radio America in Arlington, Va. (JetStream and ROC-12); the University of Kentucky’s WEKU(FM) (JetStream and ROC-12); AVI for Veterans Affairs in St. Louis (two JetStreams and a ROC-18); and Salem Communications in Tampa, Fla. (AE-32).

It also noted TV orders to KTVZ(TV) in Bend, Ore.; WMC(TV) in Memphis, Tenn.; and WCSH(TV) in Portland, Maine. Recent international orders include the ABC Parliament House in Australia for a Mosaic-12; and XiaMen TV and ZheJiang TV in China, each for a Mosaic-24, Mosaic-18 and five JetStream units.

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