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Lucid Syncs Up Audio

Lucid Syncs Up Audio

Lucid Audio’s new SSG192 Studio Sync Generator is a master clock that can sync digital audio with connectors that support word clock, AES11, Digidesign’s 256X Superclock and Lucid’s UltraClock.

Designed to eliminate distortion between digital devices, the SSG192 features 15 internal clock rates and three external sources, any of which can act as the master clock to control connected equipment.

The unit simultaneously outputs word clock and AES11 sync formats. Four discrete word clock outputs let the system synchronize connected gear the most common clock format for digital audio applications. Supported output frequencies are 32, 42.336, 44.056, 44.1, 44.144, 45.937, 46.080, 47.952, 48, 48.048, 50, 88.2, 96, 100 and 192 kHz.

The SSG192 also features two configurable clock outputs. These connections can be set to run at 256X, for compatibility with Digidesign’s Pro Tool’s systems, or set to run at 1024X. In 1024X mode, called UltraClock, the unit runs at 1024X, 512X or 256X sample rates for compatibility with other audio products from Lucid.

The suggested list price is $1795 and will begin shipping in December.

B. M. Cox
