German mobile TV company MFD and Fraunhofer IIS are teaming up to offer a text-based news and information delivery system.
The NewsService Journaline system provides hierarchically structured text-based information for systems built on the Eureka-147 DAB or the Digital Radio Mondiale platforms.
On Friday, 31 August, at the start of IFA consumer electronics show in Berlin, MFD plans to transmit the Journaline signal via its T-DMB mobile TV network, which covers 16 urban areas in Germany. The news service will be available on devices that can receive DMB mobile TV and Eureka-147 digital radio signals. (The DMB standard is based on the Eurkea-147 DAB standard.)
MFD says it has been has been orchestrating the production of its commercial mobile television service since June 2006. The service, called watcha, offers a group of television and radio channels for reception on mobile devices such as cell phones.