WASHINGTON — As the world gets increasing connected, broadcasters have become hyperaware of the need for good security practices off- and online. Because of this, the National Association of Broadcasters is introducing a new, online Broadcast Cybersecurity Certificate Program intended for engineering and IT staff.
“The current threat environment frames the need for enhanced cybersecurity education at all levels,” NAB Senior Director of Technology Education and Outreach Brian Savoie said in an announcement.
The program was designed by DCT Associates Senior Analyst and President Cynthia Brumfield in order to reflect the National Institute of Standards and Technology Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity released in May.
The four courses will cover: cybersecurity risk planning and management; user and network Infrastructure planning and management; tools and techniques for detecting a cyberattack; and how to develop a continuity of operations plan.
The courses are available to both NAB members ($500) and nonmembers ($1,100), according to the NAB website. Courses can also be taken individually, but it’s more economical to sign up for the whole program, according to the association.
Those interested can also check out the companion guides to the two standalone courses (Cyber Awareness for Broadcasters and Broadcast Executive Guide to Cybersecurity). The guides can be found here, and others will be available soon, NAB says.