Podcasting audience based on persons 18 years-old and over.
Podcasting began over a decade ago. Back then, it had a grassroots, alternative media feel to it. Since then, it has undergone exponential growth. Some estimates are for sales to grow by 25% a year for the next four years, at least. That makes it a high-stakes game.
Nielsen’s recent State of the Media report fleshes out the numbers for podcasts, both in terms of audience and subject matter. As is already known, podcasts draw the best-educated, most affluent career-minded young audience.
Starting with education, those with a college degree are 45% more likely to listen to podcasts, while those with some post graduate work, 56% more likely. Those who went all the way and completed a post-graduate degree top out at 68% more likely to tune in to podcasts.
The numbers also trend upwards as a function of household income. Those earning $75,000+ are 32% more likely to listen, $100,000+ 37% more likely, and respondents in the $250,000+ are 45% more likely to tune in.
Career-mindedness follows the same sliding scale. White collar workers are 41% more likely to tune podcasts in, those in management are 51% more likely, and professionals 60% more likely.
When Nielsen breaks it down by genre for podcasts, comedy comes out on top with 48%, while educational content is number two with 40%, and news is right behind with 38%. Sci-fi brings up the rear with 16%.