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NTI Taking Names for AL1 and Its STI-PA Option

NTI Taking Names for AL1 and Its STI-PA Option

NTI is accepting orders for its AL1 Acoustilyzer, a handheld acoustics analyzer, and its functional extension STI-PA for speech intelligibility analysis.
The company says the Acoustilyzer expands its ML1 Minilyzer analog audio meter, both part of the Minstruments series of handheld test equipment. It features integrated sound pressure level measurements, repeatable short-time LEQ and sound exposure level test capabilities for event monitoring. The actual audio spectrum and the chart view of the SPL/LEQ history is visualized without interrupting ongoing sound level measurements, and measurement results may be logged to the internal memory.
The real time spectrum analyzer features selectable 1/1 and 1/3 octave bandwidth, and permits relative sound spectrum measurements against previously stored references. Stored spectra may be averaged or combined by using AL1’s mathematical functions. The “Max-Min” display finds dominant room modes and characterizes listening areas.
NTI’s STI-PA analyzer option enables speech intelligibility measurement within 15 seconds. A detailed view of modulation indices and individual band level results is provided, along with the single value STI or CIS test results. Acquired measurements may be referenced to previously established background noise level spectras with recalculation of the STI values.
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