The 33 radio stations owned by Pamal Broadcasting, based in Albany, N.Y., are using SDS Symphony.
The broadcast management system is made by Specialty Data Systems (SDS) Inc. in Canada. Pamal’s stations are in New York, Vermont and Florida; its flagship is WFLY(FM) Albany.
The move creates a common database for the company’s stations and markets, rather than separate “silos,” the company said; this makes administrative processes more efficient.
“SDS Symphony provides broadcasters with the ability to instantaneously share information between stations and across departments –- from sales, traffic and programming to operations and accounting -– eliminating the need for data re-entry and cross-verification,” SDS states. “Users access information online in real time and data is filtered and formatted to meet specific needs. The system eases programming of airtime, booking orders, scheduling promos, enforcing credit rules, and producing sales and commission reports.”
Michael Dufort is assistant secretary treasurer of Pamal.