The SeaPORT PIO 48 and SeaPORT PIO 96, new from Sealevel Systems, provide 48 or 96 channels of buffered drive digital I/O for a variety of applications, including audio studio automation and satellite antenna control systems.
The SeaPORT is plug-and-play and it permits users to add digital I/O applications to any USB equipped PC. The SeaPORTs can be ordered with IDC or edge connector ribbon cables for direct connection to standard relay racks. Optional cable lengths are available. Each port’s mode is user selectable as inputs or outputs allowing the user to customize I/O combinations as needed.
Prices: SeaPORT PIO 48: $319; SeaPORT PIO 96: $359; optional cables $9.95 each.
For more information contact Sealevel Systems in South Carolina at (864) 843-4343; FAX (864) 843-3067; or visit on the World Wide Web.
SeaPORT USB I/O Cards Offer Many Uses
SeaPORT USB I/O Cards Offer Many Uses