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Stern Sits Atop Satellite Channel Ratings

In the 12+ report, XM overall comes in with an AQH rating of 0.32 and a cume rating of 4.28.

Arbitron’s Fall 2007 radio survey found that listeners of satellite radio had increased by more than 500,000 over the spring, for a total of 17.5 million

The survey area included markets that are part of Arbitron’s diary service, for people age 12 or older, but it did not include areas where the PPM is used.

The most-listened-to stations on satellite were Howard Stern and his channels. His Sirius Channel 100 showed an AQH of 97,600, an AQH rating of 0.04, cume of 1.21 million and cume rating of 0.49 for persons 12+, Monday–Sunday, 6 a.m. to midnight.

“Christmas and holiday channels also saw a spike over the spring report, representing a seasonal shift in listening,” the company said.

In the 12+ report, XM overall comes in with an AQH rating of 0.32 and a cume rating of 4.28. Sirius overall received an AQH rating of 0.26 and a cume rating of 2.86.

The ratings company takes pains to point out that users cannot assume these estimates would be proportional to Metro-level estimates, if they existed, or that diarykeepers who report listening are actual satellite subscribers.

Its estimates are projected from diaries used for its local market radio ratings reports and other services.

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