Lots of reaction in The Wall Street Journal to Randall Bloomquist’s recent opinion piece about NPR’s former Morning Edition Host Bob Edwards. Bloomquist, operations director of WMAL(AM), Washington referred to Edwards as a “dinosaur” and said it was time for a more energetic pace on the show.
Most of the WSJ letters are from people who point out that listeners loved the slower pace of both the show and Edwards. However, one writer condemns the entire radio industry: “Radio is generally a ding-a-ling business, dominated by people with egos as big as all outdoor and attention spans shorter than a parakeet’s. Whether it’s Rush Limbaugh or Don Imus, they are generally people who couldn’t hold a regular job.”
WSJ Reader: ‘Most Radio People Can’t Get a Regular Job’
WSJ Reader: 'Most Radio People Can't Get a Regular Job'