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Lots o’ Links

Engineers' tools and fun

I’ve been doing some research related to some work with building an LPFM in Dover, Ohio, so I’ve managed to stumble upon some great links related to technology. One or two aren’t related to this work, but they were cool enough to save. You may want to bookmark a couple of these or share them with friends.

Download Manager
Most people in radio know about, a great resource for doing a quick search of what you should pick-up on your radio dial in a specific area. As I pull resources and work on radio automation, one issue is finding a way to easily pull files. This app is similar and works with Bit Torrent (and similar downloaders) and it’s FREE. Keep in mind this warning: be SURE of what you’re downloading and where it comes from. This is shared here for LEGAL download and I would never encourage taking material you don’t have the right to use, view or listen to.

Links from Dorrough (“The Meter People”)
Dorrough has some awesome links here to some great antique radio gear — from mics to processors. If you are a collector, you’ll like these links!

On-Line Engineering Calculators
Many of us (myself included) don’t commit these formulas to memory, or we use them so infrequently that we need help with figuring out different formulas. Here’s a good page full of links worth a browser bookmark.

And finally …
Miss Color TV — Way back in the early days of color TV (about 1953), it was often tough to nail down colors. Standards were loose, so some creative people came up with skin tone charts and ways to nail down colors. Here’s a great article from The Atlantic about the early days of color TV.

If you stumble across a good or unusual web site that might be of interest, please don’t hesitate to send me the link and any info you might have about it. My email address is
