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It just keeps moving on

David Letterman’s recent retirement after over 6,000 shows reminds those of us in broadcasting that what’s on the air today might be broadcast history tomorrow. There’s been plenty of shows and lots of local talent who have gone unrecognized. Fortunately some groups preserve the history … and there are some museums.

David Letterman …
File this under “R” for “Really???” The day after Letterman goes off the air, much of his set went straight into a dumpster! Really???

Massive Collection of History
If there’s one link I’ve ever posted that you should shortcut or put up in your browser favorites, this is it. It’s the central link to the printed history (old magazines) related to radio & TV history.

Cleveland Classic Media
Tim Lones created this blog about Northeast Ohio (Cleveland area) broadcasting. Tim has done an awesome job in preserving the history with a great collection of media. Though many who read this aren’t from Cleveland, I wanted to point this out as a great example of preserving local radio & TV history.

Lots o’ Links …
Besides the Cleveland group for local radio/TV history, here’s the “central switchboard” of great links for radio/TV history. Again, worth shortcutting or adding in your favorites history.

And finally …
In 1995, radio turned 75 years old. This year our favorite broadcast media turns 95. From CBS TV network news (with Dan Rather) is the story about radio’s 75th birthday. You’ll see some familiar faces behind the voices … and some old radio friends who are no longer with us.

If you stumble across a good or unusual web site that might be of interest, please don’t hesitate to send me the link and any info you might have about it. My email address is
