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Hot Off the Presses: TV Operator’s Handbook

SBE updates certification resource 

The Seventh edition of the “SBE Television Operator’s Certification Handbook” is available from the Society of Broadcast Engineers.

Fresh from a complete rewrite, the latest edition has more content devoted to digital television. Yet, according to SBE, “It is designed for the entry-level, non-technical pool of applicants that fill master control positions in today’s television marketplace.”

Authors Dane E. Ericksen, Douglas W. Garlinger and Joe Snelson Jr. included information ranging from EAS to FAA tower lighting regulations to children’s television time restrictions to go along with the more technical operational side of television station equipment.

The “SBE Television Operator’s Certification Handbook,” $49, is available from the SBE and has educational and quantity purchase discounts.

Purchase of the handbook also includes an optional exam that leads to Certified Television Operator certification by the SBE.
