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Mid-Atlantic RF Shows Pre-Delay Audio Receiver

Mid-Atlantic RF Systems will introduce an FM/SCA receiver intended for use by commercial digital FM stations to receive pre-delay audio to communicate reliably with and queue talent in the field without the 8-second delay of the digital broadcasts.

Mid-Atlantic RF Systems will introduce an FM/SCA receiver intended for use by commercial digital FM stations to receive pre-delay audio to communicate reliably with and queue talent in the field without the 8-second delay of the digital broadcasts.

The Model BSC98-20-D features spatial antenna diversity and a frequency plan that the company says will not interfere with aircraft NAV or COM radios. It also features input filtering and a high input intercept performance to minimize interference when collocated with an operating aircraft COM radio.

In a typical application, a receiver would be installed in an equipment case with other equipment to support a traffic or other reporter in a van or small aircraft. Two antennas would be installed at a quarter-wave interval on the roof of the van or the top or bottom (or side) of the airplane.

The company also is showing the Model HY098-XCN RF Power Combiner as a standard part. This will combine outputs of two power amplifiers in the FM broadcast band. Two power options are available. A four-way combiner will be available soon, and custom combiners are available.

Booth: 419
