Nautel announced its latest schedule of weekly online talks about transmission topics, and noted that the series has hit the 50-episode mark.
Jeff Welton hosts “Transmission Talk Tuesday,” which uses a roundtable format and includes giveaways.
“These interactive discussion sessions cover a broad range of engineering-oriented topics, providing an opportunity for engineers to learn and discuss ideas with their peers,” the company stated.
Topics for October 2021 include a “gizmos and gadgets” chat on Oct. 12, with Welton and Tom Lawler; an Episode 50 special; and a look at power supplies with Welton and John Wilton.
“When we started doing these sessions over a year ago, it gave us a way to keep Jeff amused and not causing trouble at the office, the company wrote in a statement, adding that the series has been popular with its clients.
Sessions are on Tuesdays at noon Eastern time and qualify for SBE recertification credit.