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WinMedia Visual Radio Simplifies Media Convergence

Manages assets and covers all aspects of the production and delivery chain

LA SEYNE SUR MER, France — The WinMedia Visual Radio solution is based around a complete radio and TV playout system. 

This, the company says, unifies the content chain by managing assets and covering every aspect of the production and delivery chain, including scheduling and advertising.

WinMedia Visual Radio incorporates the StudioCast engine to provide an end-to-end solution that can be tailored to requirements.

Providing users with a combination of automated camera switching, radio playlists with graphic overlays in real time, WinMedia declares that the system “pushes the limits of media convergence by enabling RJs to directly control video playlists by using WinMedia intuitive on-air interface.”

[Read: Radio Automation Grows With the Times]

During live-assist or 24/7 automation, the StudioCast system automatically captures images without human intervention required. WinMedia controls Studiocast through a set of commands that are based on predefined scenarios.

For information, contact WinMedia in France at +33-494-102-101 or visit

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