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Digital Radio Mondiale General Assembly Planned for April 17

Working plan for the next year will be developed at the event in Mallorca

MALLORCA, Spain — The 2018 General Assembly of the DRM Consortium is scheduled to take place on April 17 –18, under the banner “Digital Radio Mondiale Drives Forward” at the Palma Bellver Bay Meliá Hotel on Mallorca, hosted by Bosch and RFmondial.

At the General Assembly, strategy and a working plan for the next year will be developed. The assembly will also serve as an election year for the Chair and all leading bodies of the Consortium.

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Members and guests can also use this assembly as an opportunity to review all the activities of the past year and to receive updates from country representatives and specialists from all the corners of the globe. In addition, a special receiver session has been also scheduled as part of the event.

“This is a moment to take stock and review the excellent progress made by DRM in India and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as South Africa, other countries in Africa, Middle East and Europe,” said Ruxandra Obreja, the current DRM Chairman. “DRM Drives forward with big successes in the automotive industry. Continuous work goes on to provide ingenious standalone and car receivers. DRM as a provider of more than audio and especially emergency warning functionality puts it in a unique position giving users a powerful, all-band solution they can use for their specific needs and coverage at local, regional, national and international level.”
