AMSTERDAM�The Dutch public broadcaster NPO has started testing higher data rates for audio streams, and is now using a different technique for sending pictures via DAB +,
Listeners will now hear NPO�s Radio 2 at a bandwidth of 96 kbps, and a slideshow is being sent along, integrated in to the stream.� Up until very recently, NPO was using 64 kbps for all of its DAB+ audio streams, even though there was more bandwidth available.
NPO is now sending the integrated slideshow for Radio 1, Radio 1 Extra, Radio 2, 3FM, Radio 4, Radio 5, Radio 6 Soul & Jazz and Radio Top 2000.� Sending the slideshow in an integrated fashion is more efficient than what has been done up until recently�using a separate data stream.� Some DAB+ radios are not able to make use of a data stream sent in that fashion.� This �new� way of slideshow transmission is also used in several other countries, including England and Germany. �