In this letter to the editor, the author comments on Ed DeLaHunt’s letter “When It Comes to Noise on the AM Dial, Where the Heck Is the FCC?” Comment on this or any article. Email
Recently, I was at the Santa Rosa, Calif., Kaiser Permanente parking lot in my truck. Overhead was a huge roof of solar panels to power all the lights, which were off.
I tuned the AM radio in the truck: WALL TO WALL NOISE from one end of the band to the other, wiping out every station except KSRO(AM) 1350 because their antenna is physically about a mile away.
They’re running a 5 kW [transmitter] a mile away and I hear static! And where is the FCC in all of this?
Can I call the Tiger Team? Or are they too busy confiscating pirate radio properties?
— Duke Evans, Santa Rosa, Calif.
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