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Audemat-Aztec Adds Multiband Processors to Silver Line

Audemat-Aztec Adds Multiband Processors to Silver Line

Audemat-Aztec has debuted an audio processing line under its Silver label that offers FM, HD processing and HD multicast processing.
The multiband processors are available in four to six bands and include multiband AGC with smart gating, multiband limiters and distortion-canceling clippers. Several of the models also include a split-processing architecture for HD separate processing through look-ahead limiting techniques.
The user interface enables the adjustment and visualization of the sound processing. Adjustments can be made on-site on the front panel, or remotely using the PC software. The product line supports TCP/IP and serial remote communications, with front-panel USB provided on several models. The user schedules automatic processing changes based on the time of day, and also can change processing triggered by a contact closure.
The company says the new product line emerged from an OEM agreement with UK-based BW, which designs and manufactures FM transmitters and sound processors.

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