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Carr Appoints FCC Bureau Leadership

The new chairman also named a managing director and general counsel

FCC Chairman Brendan Carr has decided on additional leadership appointments within the commission, including acting bureau leadership, managing director and general counsel. 

The announcements came a day after Carr named his own staff appointments.

I am grateful that these talented public servants have agreed to join me in leading the FCC’s work and ensuring that we deliver great results for the American people,” Carr said in a release.

Key FCC bureau leadership appointments

Erin Boone, from LinkedIn.
Erin Boone, from LinkedIn.

Erin Boone was named acting chief of the Media Bureau. She was also named senior counsel to the chairman for issues related to the Media and Enforcement Bureaus. Previously, she served as Commissioner Nathan Simington’s chief of staff and wireless advisor.

Patrick Webre, from C-SPAN.
Patrick Webre, from C-SPAN.

Patrick Webre will serve as acting chief of the Enforcement Bureau. He has previously held several leadership roles within the commission, including in the Space and International Bureaus.

Other bureau leadership

Joel Taubenblatt
Joel Taubenblatt, from LinkedIn.

Joel Taubenblatt was named acting chief of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau. Previously, he served as deputy bureau chief, the competition and infrastructure policy division chief and chief of the broadband division.

Trent Harkrader
Trent Harkrader, from LinkedIn.

Trent Harkrader will serve as the acting chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau. He was previously serving as its deputy bureau chief and had been advising agency leadership on implementing the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021.

Debra Jordan

Debra Jordan will serve as acting chief of the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau. She had served before as its deputy chief.

Eduard Bartholme was named acting chief of the Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau. He was previously its deputy bureau chief and also served as senior outreach director on the Broadband Data Task Force. 

Managing director

Mark Stephens will serve as the FCC’s new managing director. Among his responsibilities, he will have oversight of the agency’s budget and financial programs. His responsibilities include overseeing the agency’s budget and financial programs. Previously, he served as chief financial officer in the office of managing director.

General counsel

Jacob Lewis was named acting general counsel. Previously, he served as associate general counsel and has been with the FCC since 2003.

Carr’s office said he will make additional personnel announcements, including for all office leadership positions, in a future release.

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