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Charlie Goodrich Passes Away

Transmitter and tube reconditioner ran Goodrich Enterprises

OMAHA — Charlie Goodrich occupied a special niche in the radio broadcast industry. Those who knew him, knew him well — others wouldn’t know have known of him at all. If you needed a tube or a transmitter repaired, you might have crossed Goodrich’s path.

The man known reconditioning old transmitters and dealing in new and used tubes along with other transmitter support equipment at his Goodrich Enterprises passed away on July 30.

Goodrich got his start engineering at KOIL(AM) in Omaha, Neb. He considered the Omaha area as his home, eventually setting up Goodrich Enterprises there.

A good obituary can be found here.

Family friend Kris Kaestner provided these pictures from the funeral, including the tribute.

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