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CUSIB Names Gutmann to Advisory Board

Author is knowledgeable on China and Internet

The Committee for U. S. International Broadcasting said it welcomes Ethan Gutmann as a member of the advisory board.

Gutmann currently lives in London and works for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. He is formerly a senior counselor at communications and public affairs consulting group APCO China and has reported from Beijing for several years.

Gutmann has spent time at the Brookings Institution and has specialized in research into Chinese intelligence activities, especially concerning Western businesses and surveillance of the Internet.

He has written on China issues for Asian Wall Street Journal, Investor’s Business Daily, the Weekly Standard, National Review and the World Affairs Journal.

He is the author of “Losing the New China” and has testified before Congress, other national and international government agencies, universities and press clubs, in addition to appearing on PBS, CNN, BBC and CNBC.

CUSIB describes itself as a nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization working to strengthen free flow of uncensored news from the U.S. to countries with restricted and developing media environments.

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