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DeVito/Verdi to Market NextRadio App

Agency also tasked with communicating smartphone’s “portable radio” ability

The NextRadio FM smartphone app is getting a marketing boost.

New York advertising agency DeVito/Verdi will create what proponents are calling “a multi-effort program” to promote the NextRadio app. The privately-held company has worked for clients like NAB, Kohl’s, Sony, Canon, BMW, CarMax and others.

Samsung Galaxy Note Edge

NAB says it will join the effort designed to encourage consumers to listen to FM stations on their phones using the app a well as promote the concept that their smartphone can serve as a portable radio. “Consumers want FM radio and they want to listen to it on the go,” says NAB EVP Communications Dennis Wharton. “The technology exists that enables us to enjoy FM radio for free without any streaming or data charges on our smartphones. Making the world aware of this is the key to driving NextRadio adoption and usage.”

The marketing program will include a national advertising program, public relations, social media and various digital efforts to inform, educate and move consumers to action.

Sprint’s release of the Samsung Galaxy Note Edge (pictured) brings to 30 the number of smartphone models and one tablet that come preloaded with the NextRadio app.

NextRadio listening hours are growing at a faster pace than devices are being registered, according to Emmis’ latest blog.

Listening hours are climbing at a rate of 22% month-over-month on average while listeners grow at a rate of about 15% each month. The latest listening levels is over 1,711,000 hours of listening through NextRadio, according to Emmis, which says that means NextRadio makes FM portable again, and when FM is portable, people use it. “And when they like the experience, they listen more.”

NextRadio “provides features that engage our audience in more interactive and immersive ways. We are really able to add value to the listener experience and they listen longer because of it,” according to Tim Clarke, director of digital audience for Cox Media Group. Emmis quotes him as saying, “Getting them to the store is key, keeping them in the store and getting them to come back is critical.”
