BRS Media’s dot FM is sponsoring a live national concert Web cast to save Internet radio set for July 22. The concert’s start time is 7:30 p.m. Eastern and will be Web cast live via from the State Theatre in Falls Church, Va. Other Internet radio stations around the country will simulcast the show. The event is a joint effort between TV and the International Webcasting Association, to benefit the IWA’s Legal Defense Fund and its campaign to save the Internet radio industry. David Lawrence is the emcee. He’s host of the nationally syndicated radio show “Online Tonight.” Headliners at the jazz/blues show include The Gerry Beaudoin Trio with Jay Geils, Signorello and the Mike O’Meara Blues Band featuring Mike O’Meara of the “Don and Mike” nationally syndicated radio show.
dotFM Sponsors ‘Save Internet Radio’ Concert Web cast
dotFM Sponsors 'Save Internet Radio' Concert Web cast