As of June 30, there were 15, 297 full-power radio stations licensed in the United States. That’s the latest count from the Federal Communications Commission. Including television, there were 30,398 licensees on file.
The count is broken down as follows:
- FM Translators and Boosters — 6,044
- UHF Translators — 2,930
- VHF Translators — 1,146
Total: 10,120
- All AM Stations — 4,734
- FM Commercial — 6,606
- FM Educational — 3,957
Total: 15,297 - Low-Power — 797
- UHF Commercial — 1,028
- VHF Commercial — 358
- UHF Educational — 289
- VHF Educational — 107
Total: 1,782
Low-Power TV Stations
- Class A UHF Stations — 380
- Class A VHF Stations — 53
Total: 433
- UHF Low-Power — 1,569
- VHF Low-Power — 400
Total: 1,969
LPTV Total: 2,402