Jonathan and Susan Lipp
The Madison, Wis., chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals has awarded Full Compass owners Susan and Jonathan Lipp with the 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award.
Their contributions to education, music, early development and other initiatives were recognized by APF and celebrated at an awards luncheon Nov. 1. A release explains that the award is presented to individuals or couples with a minimum of 20 years of philanthropic involvement, civic and charitable responsibility and a record of generosity that has also encouraged others to take leadership roles in philanthropic activities.
The Lipps have contributed time, expertise and financial support to nonprofits and charities for many years. Their efforts, in cooperation with employees at Full Compass, help to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars every year through the company’s charitable contributions committee, fostering a company culture of giving.
The Lipps have supported organizations including Circus World Museum, Arthritis Foundation, Boys and Girls Club of Dane County, Concerts in the Park, Foundation for Madison’s Public Schools, Jewish Federation of Madison, Wisconsin Center for Music Education, Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra, Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra and scholarship endowments for the University of Wisconsin-Madison Music and Theatre departments.