Radio people who do a lot of field work get excited when a new portable recorder becomes available. Here’s word of one that’s likely to get a lot of scrutiny in coming months.
Marantz Professional soon will release its PMD660 compact digital recorder. It is based on the company’s PMD670 portable solid-state recorder and offers the same features but in a compact hand-held format.
The unit was shown in November at a conference of audiologists and speech and language scientists.
The PMD660 has two microphones with Automatic Level Control; one-touch digital recording to Compact Flash cards; editing; a USB for transfer of customized audio files; the company’s Virtual Track Mode for playback and instant audio access to the preset marked points of a recording; and no moving parts. ThePMD660 can record for several hours running on four standard AA batteries, the company said.
Tim Schwieger of BSW said his company plans to be a stocking distributor. The model “is going to rock our world in February,” he told RW Online.
The company Web site is, although product specs were not posted as of this writing.
Marantz to Debut PMD660, Hand-Held Version of Solid-State Recorder
Marantz to Debut PMD660, Hand-Held Version of Solid-State Recorder