Several mobile device advertising industry groups have gotten together to update current ad guidelines to bring unity to the industry. Officially called “Mobile Web Advertising Measurement Guidelines,” it is the work of the Interactive Advertising Bureau, the MobileMarketing Association and Media Rating Council.
The guidelines are aimed at mobile marketers, wireless operators, mobile publishers and ad serving entities, according to a release.
One main point is that responsibility for viewable ad impressions counting is to rest with the client. According to the release, this should “increase consistency with computer-based ad measurement, make impression counts far more robust and reliable, and may help to reduce mobile discrepancies.”
Additional topics discussed include: measurement definitions, ad measurement guidelines, enhancing ad impression tracking accuracy, click measurement considerations, general reporting parameters, disclosure guidance and auditing recommendations.
Vice President and General Manager, MobileMarketing Center of Excellence, IAB, Anna Bager said, “Trustworthy and credible reporting, as well as adherence to uniform industry standards, are vital to ensuring the growth and success of the mobile advertising market.”
“Given the dynamic and rapid evolution of the mobile space in the past year alone, these new guidelines represent an important and relevant revision to our original mobile web ad measurement proposals,” said Michael Becker, managing director, MMA North America. He added, “The work reflected in this document for mobile web ad impressions increases consistency, makes impression counts more robust and reliable, and may help reduce mobile discrepancies in marketers’ media campaigns.”