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NEH Awards Grant to WGBH

$345,000 will support training materials for PBCore metadata management

The National Endowment for the Humanities has awarded Boston public media station WGBH’s educational foundation a $345,000 Preservation and Access Research and Development grant to pursue the PBCore Development and Training Project.

PBCore has been in development since 2013 as a project of WGBH’s Media Library and Archives to create a metadata standard for public media organizations. Its initialization coincided with Corporation for Public Broadcasting choosing “WGBH and the Library of Congress as the permanent stewards of the American Archive of Public Broadcasting,” according to the release. Ultimately, PBCore’s goal is to enable users to more “easily organize and share” public media content today.

WGBH will use the grant funds to develop tools, methodologies and training workshops to make the Public Broadcasting Metadata Dictionary “standard more accessible to archivists and public media organizations over the course of a 27-month project,” according to the announcement. WGBH and NEH explain deliverables “will include a PBCore cataloging tool, updates to the website, webinars and other training materials, sample records.”

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