Some of the veil of mystery that surrounds PPM may soon be lifted.
Effective in late October, Nielsen Audio says, it will begin to offer Control Panel Reports for Personal People Meter clients who subscribe to PD Advantage and the Analysis Tool.
In the announcement, Nielsen said that these CPRs were invented as a response to client requests for more information about “panelist behavior and panel change.” The CPRs offer details such as “changes in tuning, new panelists, heavy listeners, panelist weights, specific age of station panelists, zip codes and other panel dynamics.”
The new reports will be included as a service packaged with the other offerings, sent to clients “shortly after the monthly data is published in PPM markets.” Additionally, stations can pay to take a look at competitors’ CPRs.
The full PPM infrastructure was completed in 2011 by Arbitron, which was acquired by Nielsen in 2013 and rebranded as Nielsen Audio. Since then, according to a Nielsen Audio spokesperson, the monitoring tool has morphed to reflect changes in media consumption.