SurgeX said it redesigned its 1RU surge protectors and power conditioners to add Advanced Series Mode surge suppression and new power-conditioning technologies.
These include Impedance-Tolerant EMI/RFI filtering, SurgeX ICE inrush current elimination, and COUVS catastrophic over/under-voltage shutdown.
The company says its Series Mode circuitry uses an inductor as the first and primary surge-suppression component to contain destructive surge energy; it claims there has never been a failure of Series Mode-protected equipment. It says its ASM technology does not rely on MOV as a sacrificial component, creates no ground-wire contamination or common-mode surges and has zero let-through voltage.
Various configurations of surge protection are available.
Info: click here.
SurgeX Touts Redesigned Rackable Surge Protection
SurgeX Touts Redesigned Rackable Surge Protection