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TimeTrax Debuts Product to Capture, Store XM Content

TimeTrax Debuts Product to Capture, Store XM Content

TimeTrax Technologies has launched TimeTrax Connect, which allows those who own XM Direct car stereo tuners to save XM Satellite Radio broadcasts to personal computers as MP3 or WAV files, to be listened to later.
Originally, the product was designed for use with the now-discontinued XM PCR device, which received satellite broadcasts on a personal computer. The satcaster discontinued the PCR after a subscriber from Canada who’s also a computer programmer wrote software that allowed him to download XM songs from the PC-based XM software radio into MP3 files or WAV files on his computer and then sold copies of his program to other XM subscribers. The satcaster said the product was not authorized.
TimeTrax says owners of the XM Direct car stereo unit can now use the Connect product to record directly to their PCs, and store the files and sort by artist and title. Files can then be accessed by PC, saved to a CD, or uploaded onto an MP3 player.
“We believe it is essential for us to develop universal hardware and software solutions that allow consumers to capture satellite radio broadcasts,” said TimeTrax CEO Elliott Frutkin. The launch of this product – and the promise of more to follow – demonstrates how committed we are to that goal.”
