Wheatstone listed recent sales of its products.
U.S. radio orders include Clear Channel’s KTOK(AM) in Oklahoma City, Okla., ordering an E-6 control surface, two Blades and Navigator software for studio renovation. Saga’s WSNY(FM) of Columbus, Ohio, purchased an E-1 control surface through dealer BSW. The University of Texas, in Denton, ordered a SideBoard control surface with Blades to add to their existing WheatNet-IP system.
Washington State University of Pullman, Wash., ordered a WheatNet-IP system through BSW. Delmarva Broadcasting Corp. in Wilmington, Del., ordered a digital output card for an existing Wheatstone Bridge router. And WEJZ(FM) of Jacksonville, Fla., purchased four Wheatstone E-1 control surfaces and Blade access units through BSW.
Canada’s Cogeco ordered five LIO-2001 logic cards to add to an existing Wheatstone Bridge router. CFWE(FM) of Edmonton, Alberta, ordered an E-1 control surface, WheatNet-IP Blade, and Navigator software.
Also, Progressive Broadcasting of the Philippines ordered another E-1 control surface through Broadcast World Philippines. And Soundfusion in South Africa ordered eight E-1 control surfaces and Blades for new community radio stations in South Africa.