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XM’s Plane Weather Data Receiver Approved by FAA

XM's Plane Weather Data Receiver Approved by FAA

The Federal Aviation Administration has certified XM Satellite Radio’s device that delivers satellite weather information to aircraft.
The device is an XM Aviation Data Receiver. XM says it is the only provider of an FAA-approved solution for satellite radio and satellite weather for aircraft. The system gives pilots information about weather conditions.
The FAA granted its approval for the XMD075-01 aviation data receiver manufactured by Heads Up.
The XM WX Satellite Weather service is available for aviation, marine and emergency management applications. The service is powered by location-specific weather data and technology provided by WxWorx, Inc, an affiliate of Baron Services, Inc., which provides analytical weather services to the TV broadcast and emergency management industries.
In addition to its aviation data receiver, Heads Up offers the FAA-approved multi receiver units for listening to XM Radio in cabin-class aircraft, allowing individual channel selection at seats. XM has deals in place under which its service will be offered for free on some JetBlue and AirTran flights later this year.
