WASHINGTON�Back in February, FCC Commissioners Michael O�Reilly and Jessica Rosenworcel wrote a blog discussing how more space could be created for Wi-Fi with sharing opportunities in the 5.9 GHz band. A recent decision from Congress has reopened the topic, calling on the Department of Transportation, Department of Commerce, and FCC to explore opening up the 5.9 GHz band for unlicensed use. This brought O�Reilly and Rosenworcel back together for a new blog on what this means moving forward.

The 5.9 GHz band was first set aside specifically for the automative industry to develop technology that can reduce car crashes and improve road safety through the Dedicated Short Range Communications Service. Congresses� recent work now provides a framework for testing in the 5.9 GHz band to make sure that unlicensed sharing doesn�t interfere with the DSRC and other incumbent uses.
�This framework includes nine principles that a broad group of stakeholders�automakers, unlicensed spectrum advocates, and technology companies�have come together to support,� the blog writes. �It also includes specific testing duties for the FCC regarding interference-avoidance and allocation of spectrum use in the 5.9 GHz band.�

O�Reilly and Rosenworcel finish by saying they will press the FCC to start setting testing parameters, evaluate results, and seek public comment on what is learned from the tests.
�As part of this effort, we want to see that spectrum allocated for automobile safety in the 5.9 GHz band is used just for that�safety�and that more Wi-Fi is safely available for wireless access and innovation nationwide. We think there is space in our airwaves for both�and we look forward to making it happen.�
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