RTW will bring new firmware for its TouchMonitor TM7 and TM9 series to IBC next month.
Ulrike Lauterbach, director of sales & marketing, said the firmware updates create more efficient workflow with the option for customization, while continuing to adapt to changing loudness standards.
Current TM7/9 firmware update allows simultaneous monitoring of transmission streams with the ability to see up to four parallel instances of the stereo vectorscope at once. The RTA (Real Time Analyzer) feature set offers a more refined graduated frequency distribution analysis with the addition of a 12th octave filter bank. Extra security measures can be activated with the utilization of the newly offered custom selected password, which will also protect the user against unauthorized adjustment changes.
“This firmware also supports four-channel operation of a TouchMonitor, even without a multi-channel license, which allows attractive combinations in operation with RTW’s TMR7,” the company said.
The new firmware is available for installation on TM7, TM9 and TMR7 series instruments.
A new TC – RTW upgrade for customers who own TC Electronics’ TM7 or TM9 TouchMonitors means TC Electronics’ users will have access to new functionalities with current firmware. For a limited time, a 50 percent discount will be applied to the purchase of a second software license for the same unit.
IBC Stand: 8.D89
Information: www.rtw.com