RCS, the world’s largest broadcast software company, has announced a breakthrough in combining voice recognition technology with studio automation. Its newSpeech to Text Transcriber makes RCS the first automation company in the world to offer integrated speech recognition to identify Voice Tracks.
The new tool is being demonstrated on the RCS booth at NAB, Las Vegas (North 2517). There is also the potential for live speech to text to follow in the future, and support for different languages.
RCS President/CEO Philippe Generali commented: “There are so many ways a PD may be able to use a transcribed Voice Tracks feature. Imagine being able to visually audit the tracks without having to listen. You can also imagine the system being set up to catch certain words or phrases that you didn’t want to go out, or which contravened station policy.”
The new Speech To Text Transcriber will appear in Zetta as another feature model – the company is also working on the possibility of also integrating the technology into its RCS News product.
RCS says the new feature is part of the company’s focus on providing tools to help broadcasters with brand management and promotional messaging. The new feature has a patent pending.