AUSTIN, Texas�TheWi-Fi Alliancehas indicated it will deliver theLTE-U Coexistence Test Planby September, despite complaints, mainly lobbed from within the LTE-U community.
Even as a party to the talks, Qualcomm released a statement Wednesday saying the latest version of the test plan released by the Wi-Fi Alliance �lacks technical merit, is fundamentally biased against LTE-U and rejects virtually all the input that Qualcomm provided for the last year, even on points that were not controversial,� according
The company went on to say they had submitted a compromise proposal which the Wi-Fi Alliance rejected in its entirety, offering a different plan, �which has the clear purpose of trying to keep the benefits of LTE-U away from consumers and off the unlicensed spectrum, which is supposed to be for all of us.�
Two third-party test laboratories, Cetecom and AT4, are already committed to completing the qualification process and offering coexistence test services as soon as the test plan is complete, according to Wi-Fi Alliance Vice President of Marketing Kevin Robinson Robinson. He also said that companies such as AT4, Azimuth Systems, Broadcom, CableLabs, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Keysight Technologies, Qualcomm and Samsung have been instrumental in closing foundational work items.