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Maserati Signs on for SiriusXM 360L

It's the first to make the 360L platform standard in all models

SiriusXM announced a new automotive partner for its 360L hybrid radio platform.

The company said Maserati has made SiriusXM with 360L a standard feature in its 2021 vehicles in the United States.

“Maserati becomes the first manufacturer to make SiriusXM with 360L a standard feature in its vehicles,” it stated.

Like other hybrid radio systems, the 360L platform combines satellite and streaming content delivery. The company highlights its personalization and on-demand benefits not available in the more familiar one-way satellite service.

SiriusXM has made 360L-related announcements with other carmakers this year including BMW, GM and Audi.

Maserati owners will get a 12-month trial subscription to SiriusXM’s All Access package.

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